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Portfolio Policies


The Portfolio


Each family is required to maintain a ‘portfolio’ of samples of each child’s work for each subject covered during the year. The purpose of the portfolio is to document that regular and thorough instruction is taking place in each of the required subjects.


For kindergarten through the eighth grade, the subjects that are required to be covered during each school year are Bible/Christian Studies, English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Art, Music, Health and Physical Education.


For ninth grade through the twelfth grade, the courses that are required for graduation from Conowingo – Rising Sun Christian School are listed on our High School Credit Requirements for Graduation Information Sheet. Portfolio


Portfolio Reviews

New families must complete a midyear review with CRSCS appointed Revieweres.

At least once during each school year, another individual presently enrolled with Conowingo – Rising Sun Christian School must objectively review your family’s portfolio. A full year of work does not need to be completed before the review can be done. The purpose of the review is to verify that ‘regular’ and ‘thorough’ instruction is taking place in each of the required subjects, as required by state law.


Before the review is done, each family will complete a Portfolio Review Form listing the courses being taken by each student and the materials used for instruction of each course. The reviewer will verify the information on the Portfolio Review Form and indicate whether regular, thorough instruction is taking place.


Documentation of the portfolio review, as completed on the Portfolio Review Form, must be submitted with your renewal enrollment application.


Portfolio Review Integrity


It is expected that all portfolio reviews will be conducted objectively, honestly, and with integrity. Failure to do so is grounds for removal from Conowingo – Rising Sun Christian School.


Conowingo – Rising Sun Christian School reserves the right to further review any family’s portfolios as it determines necessary.


Portfolio Review Probation


If a family fails to cover the required subjects during any school year, they will be given probationary status. The family will need to prove they are meeting the requirements by November 1st of the next school year by having another review completed by an individual approved by the school administration. If they again fail to show satisfactory evidence of providing regular and thorough instruction in each subject by the deadline, the family will be withdrawn from Conowingo – Rising Sun Christian School and the appropriate school district will be notified.

©2021 by Conowingo-Rising Sun Christian School

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